"Come Unto Me" Limited Edition Book

"Come Unto Me" Limited Edition Book


The "Come Unto Me" book contains numerous images, stories, and explanations behind the breathtaking Come Unto Me window display in Rome Italy. Learn about the artist behind the masterpiece, how it was created, and the stories depicted in stunning stained-glass art.

The Limited Edition Contains:

  • Additional content as well as frameable prints

  • Elegant Cloth cover, Ribbon bookmark and gold inset lettering

  • Personally signed by Brad Wilcox, Gayle Holdman, Tyler Griffin, Anthony Sweat, and head artist Tom Holdman as well as other contributing artists.

Ships 1-3 business days after receiving order.

Only 2 available
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"Come Unto Me" Book

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NEW: Believe in Him

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The Piece That Is You
